Saturday, May 11, 2019

My Take on Government Surveillance

This week, I wanted to discuss my opinions on government surveillance on American citizens in a more informal way. I have been interested in cyber security since I was in high school and am now pursuing a career in that field. Because of this, I have been doing research and keeping up with current affairs regarding the topic in order to have a better understanding of what I’ll be getting into. I also know some guys that have been working in the field for a while and are known for being good at what they do. This is where I draw information from when discussing my opinions. I currently believe that there should be more laws being created that protect citizens and their right to privacy, which the constitution guarantees. It seems to me that the government has been continuing to take advantage of new technological advancements to increase their power over the people without any repercussions. This is creating an imbalance that favors the side of the government without the consent of the people. The new technology doesn’t really have rules over how it can be used, so government agencies basically have free reigns over how they want to use it. The only real way to fight against this at the moment is to try and spread awareness to the public enough for a large shift in public opinion and to vote for politicians that have their voter’s privacy in mind. I believe that the reason most people don’t actually care that mush is because they don’t really feel its effects. It’s easy to look past a problem if the effects are so minor. But the effects are building and will continue to change how people live their lives the more advanced our phones get. This is why I want to try and spread awareness of the problem, as many in this field do, in order to try and change the way the government controls citizens.

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